[Sunday Edition]
Friday Football Diary
This weekend we just had our annual fantasy league draft. It got me thinking about what makes a good draft day.
First of all a good draft requires a lot of highly skilled planning. You have to make sure you set the best date possible aside so you are in full attendance; no one wants a lagger or any delays holding up what is likely to be a marathon of some of the smartest minds the world has even seen hard at work.
World peace, splitting atoms, and creating masterful paintings take a back seat to the talent and knowledge required to accurately and skillfully execute a great draft. Only those that have dared to challenge this huge undertaking can really understand the sacrifice that is necessary.
The first step requires that you find the perfect host; someone who is willing to expend the necessary energy to feed 8-12 hungry mouths that undoubtedly will get irritably hungry at some point during this quest for fantasy football immortality. Your host will also need a place large enough to hold a herd of loud bison and in this case, it’s a close comparison.
No Draft is complete, unless it is adequately stocked.
Maybe not the smartest minds, but this is one night they all think they know everything about football.
State of the art technology,….$2,800 in lap-tops
More fantasy magazines than you can count, $125
Mark’s fantasy football book of secrets, no value….
Plenty of food, $100
Lots of cold drink, $200
Great friends with lots of entertainment, priceless!